Couples Counseling in Milwaukee & Chicago
Understanding Conflict.
Deeper Intimacy.
You’re tired of feeling misunderstood and confused in your relationship.
You’ve tried to over-explain your side and what you need and all it leads to is you two arguing and feeling more disconnected.
Your relationship can feel different than the way it does today.
Couples Therapy can help you break the disconnection.
You’re trying to be a good partner, yet you try to talk; you feel like you’re speaking a different language. Relationships are complex, then throw kids, financial stress, personal development, and our personal baggage in the mix, and how you relate to your partner can become a shit show at times. Everything else seems more important than nurturing your relationship now, and you want more connection, understanding, and deeper intimacy.
You don’t know who to talk to about your relationship, so you might feel closed off from family members; at work, when someone asks how things are going, you want to find a space to hide in. You try hard to show up for your kids but feel angry and frustrated. You feel guilty for being so angry and not being present with your kids.
Couples Therapy can help you have more ease and gentleness in your relationship.
You’ll slowly start to look over at your partner and crack a smile or feel the warm fuzzies you thought you’d never feel again. The old arguments that would lead you to go to bed angry, and turn your back on each other, actually bring you closer, and you can talk about it with more gentleness. You’ll find more ease with each other in expressing your needs and sharing your thoughts. You’ll be able to argue and handle conflict more kindly and easily. It will be you two against the world instead of you two creating a war with each other.
I bring humor, compassion, and play into your couples therapy.
My blended approach of helping you navigate conflict in a productive way and also humor can help you learn how to have difficult conversations flow more with ease. With 12 years of couples counseling, I can help you get to know each other on a deeper level and engage with each other with more compassion. I can help you and your partner get clear on your priorities, practice assertive communication skills, establish healthy boundaries, and MOST of all, find joy, love, and reconnection with each other.
What we’ll work on:
Improve your level of communication and understanding of each other
Prioritize your relationship and time to practice communication skills
Build trust with each other
Reduce the number of arguments that tear down your connection
Improve your conflict management
Reconnect with the joy and love you connected on before
Improve your level of intimacy, emotional and physical
Deeper Connection with Gottman Therapy
Gottman Therapy can help.
You might feel lost and frustrated. You might think that it’s too late. It’s not and Gottman Coules therapy can give you both the skills, tools, and understanding to build and nurture a healthy relationship.
You’ll understand how you manage your nervous system, and you’ll learn how to build connections and shared meaning in your relationship.
You’ll also learn the communication tools to navigate through difficult conversations.
Gottman Couples Therapy can help you do 3 things in your relationship:
Identify and recognize how you’re communicating with each other.
Learn and practice communication tools/skills to better understand each other.
Learn the evidence-based techniques to build, nurture, and maintain a healthy, thriving relationship.

Together, let’s discover the connection that’s already between you two.
What others have wondered about couples therapy
The first session will be used to get to know each other a little bit better, for me to better understand your relationship history, and to talk with you about what to expect in your couple therapy experience. I’ll also answer any questions, concerns, or lingering thoughts you and your partner might have.
In the next two sessions, I will meet with you individually to better and more precisely understand your experience in the relationship, your conflict pattern, and how to attach to your partner emotionally.
The third session is where I map out the beautiful strengths of your relationship and address the areas of conflict you’d want to work through.
The follow-up sessions will consist of us working on the goals you both identified, learning at the moment how to change your conflict pattern, learning more effective ways of approaching your differences and deepening intimacy.
Some couples see me for up to three months, where we intently focus on clear communication and managing difficult emotions with each other.
Some couples I work with stay in couples therapy for six months to a year when they have to repair emotional hurts and infidelity and work on how they communicate with each other.
If you’re willing to do the work, be uncomfortable, and learn about yourself and your partner, then you’ll notice you’ll relate to your partner with more ease, joy, and fun.
You’ll also notice the hard conversations become easier and not so daunting. I usually check in with you every two months and see how you’re doing and will address any concerns or worries about how your couples therapy is going.
It’s easy. You’re welcome to schedule your free 15-minute video consultation here:
Or you could call 920-990-2625 and schedule your appointment with me.
After we decide that we are a good fit together, we will schedule your first initial appointment.
More questions? Check out my FAQs page.
Couples Therapy can help:
Better communication in your relationship
New life stressors impacting relationships change, new baby.
Wanting more intimacy with your spouse/partner.
Learning effective communication strategies to increase connection
Self-Care in Relationships
How to deal with boundary violations