Slowing Down Brings up our Grief.
Slowing down allows us to take a good inventory of our intentions and values, which is hard.
The ancient Persian poet Rumi is like candy for my soul. Rumi speaks to the hearts of our life, existence, and struggles.
“ you ask the embryo why he, or she, stays cooped up in the dark with eyes closed
Listen to the Answer.
Wean yourself”.
When you first start to slow down, the feelings of grief can wash over you. The grief can be related to Missed opportunities, missed ways of being in the world, contributing or taking that art class you wanted, spending your time with family, and saying no to a project he really didn’t want to do. Grief and tears are the let go in the softening of living in a role that didn’t serve your soul. This is painful and part of the healing journey for you to mourn not listening to your truth. Our culture doesn’t talk a lot about the painful process of spiritual and soulful growth. Because changing and stepping into who you are and following your truth means that relationships are going to change, you are not going to have the same sort of relationships with other people that you used to that appeared supportive that appeared kind because you’re moving into a different way of being and that isn't easy.
It’s hard for people to let go of that. In my 20 years of working through processing my own grief, sitting with other clients and their grief, I noticed that we do a lot of things to avoid our grief. Processing our grief allows us to let go and cleanse the things that are not serving us anymore, and it opens us to a door to a new way of being, a new way of connecting, a new way of enjoying life. Grief is the missing of the small things. This can be missing an opportunity, missing the way someone smells, missing a conversation with someone that really feels nourishing, it could be not taking the art class you wanted, not taking that risk, not listening to your soul, which we all do at times.
Can you allow yourself to slow down and get connected with yourself?
Please take good care of your heart!