3 Tips on Decreasing Your Anxiety (How to be Resilient and Take Care of Yourself).
Learning how to pause, reflect, and nurture yourself can help you to live according to your values.
Sometimes strong high achieving women tend to not give themselves enough credit! You naturally bounce back with a rubber band buoyancy, and is ready to look at the situation differently. The ability to bounce back is a great skill to have in your toolbox and helps you be more resilient (ability to bounce back from adversity). So what is the problem you might ask? The bounce back can turn into a pattern where you are constantly achieving and having a hard time to put on the breaks, stop, rest, breathe, look around, and assess if you want to keep going in that direction.
What if we become more like the beautiful yellow resilient dandelion? OK, upon first glance, you might be thinking, why dandelion? Ugh, thanks, Tanya. Please hear me out. It is not the most glamorous flower in the flower kingdom, and yet it is very underestimated. When living in a big city area, the dandelions will always pull my attention—seeing the dandelion triggered this happy, rebellious “f”that feeling. In the middle of a concrete jungle, there is a beautiful dandelion that came through the concrete.
Despite being in a busy city, not much place to grow, yet the dandelion is fierce and sticks to her boundaries. She will worm her way through the soil to get some sunshine and drink the water to grow and nourish herself. No matter how much we want to control the dandelion, weed them, try to eradicate them, they are so strong and know their nature that they keep coming back, and yet, they know that they need sunshine, water, some earth to sink their roots down. The dandelion reminds me of why I’m passionate about working with women. You naturally have that energy inside you because otherwise, you wouldn’t be so successful in your current life, and a badass! And what would your life look like if you start to nourish yourself?
Soul Glue Reflections:
What would it be like if you align that dandelion energy that beautiful determined making things happen power?
What would happen if you align your energy with your deepest value, and your highest commitments? What would your life be like then?