Changing Your Negative Story can Help You Calm Down (Breaking Through The Negative Limiting Beliefs).

The negative stories and beliefs about ourselves can stop us from living full and abundant lives.

High achieving women yearn! There’s a fire in your belly, focused energy, this feels super human-like determination, and this deep need to overcome any adversity.  You want to make your mark on the world, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Cultural stories tell us to be submissive, receptive, and think of others needs before our own. Yes, these qualities make for good healthy relationships and good business instincts. However, women are socialized to people-pleasing and struggle with being genuinely assertive, having boundaries, and standing their ground without feeling a sense of shame or betrayal.  They are women that could have those qualities and practice those skills. But, sometimes, on the inside, there’s an internal battle.

The battle is between being too much, how do I need to handle the situation without being perceived in a certain way, and how will this impact my relationship with others? These questions can sometimes lead to self-doubt, worry, and stress. Many women struggle with self-doubt: even though you were highly successful, motivated, fantastic, amazing badass, sometimes you question if you can have all this. You have broken generational cycles of women who didn’t have the opportunity you have, and you’re able to flourish and do something very different with your energy and time. And sometimes, that could be a scary thought. Some women tend to think it’s genuine.

In his book "The Big Leap," Guy Hendricks talks about the invisible glass ceiling- upper limit problem. He shared that the invisible glass ceiling is this emotional, psychological block that keeps us stuck in a particular position and can’t move forward into the life we genuinely feel we ought to have, nourish, and flourish in our potential. The invisible glass ceiling can be certain beliefs about yourself and what Guy believes is that our struggle to fully allow ourselves to feel and live in a state of abundance and joy and that our life could be for filling in so many ways. Throughout history, women have been subjugated, burned at stake, called witches, kept under solid patriarchal thumbs. We are good at feeling connected and checking ourselves with mainstream ideas. And I wonder what would it be like if you allowed yourself to fully heal all of the things you have accomplished and everything you’ve done and indeed allow that to permeate your whole being and your life?  

Soul Glue Reflection: 

What are some glass ceilings you want to break through? 



Kick Your Inner Critic (How To Deal With That Nagging Voice in The Back of Your Head).


3 Tips on Decreasing Your Anxiety (How to be Resilient and Take Care of Yourself).