Kick Your Inner Critic (How To Deal With That Nagging Voice in The Back of Your Head).
“The redwing blackbird unapologetically sings her song from her heart. She does not stop if it is snowing or the wind is blowing”.
You are capable, you can get the task done, you are highly skilled, and you’ve got what it takes to make a success out of anything. However, this is an annoying feeling in the back of your mind or deep inside that’s whispering in your ear you don’t want to do it. You get up, drink your coffee, get ready, kiss your spouse, kids goodbye for the day, and you are highly motivated determined to get through your day. You see the bigger picture, but today feels a little heavier, and the spice of your personality in life is lower. Many times we tend to ignore that little voice or yearning of feeling deep inside us. When we ignore that feeling, depression or anxiety can start coming into life and causing more struggle.
This depression/anxiety struggle shows up at work as a lack of motivation, but because you are determined and motivated, we keep going with it, but something drains your energy. This low energy could impact how we want to show up for the people we love, and then we’re not the mothers and spouses we want to be for our children.
When we think of the change, we get scared. Fritz pearl said “fear is excitement without breath”. I invite you to take deep belly breaths with a nice slow exhale. The first step is to take some deep breaths and just connect to your own body and rhythm. That sounds simple and ridiculous, I get it, and at the same time, deep breathing has been clinically shown to decrease anxiety depression and increase overall well-being.
Sometimes many women feel scared because they don’t want to lose this independent, vital, resilient, motivated, determined part of themselves. And that’s not the case. We are realigning all that energy to match your values. Our cultural stories tell us that to be successful; we need X and Y. And sometimes X and Y doesn’t fit into our value system. And our value system might be a little paradoxical. We might want to be doing good in business and have an environmental passion of ours. We might want to explore a particular art form or give us and cause. What would it be like if you had the skills to set the boundaries at work and funnel your energy into things that fire you up?
Soul Glue Reflections:
I invite you today to look at any aspect of mother nature and see if the bird apologizes for her song, or does the flower apologize for being a flower?
What would happen if you align the same incredible motivated, determined energy that is already inside with your values?