Five Tips To Slow Down Your Anxiety.

Five tips to slow down and the hustle and bustle

  1. Focus on your breathing.

We are adaptive creatures! Our breath is automatic, which is a perfect thing. Because if you had to think about breathing, that would be hard. When we're in our groove and balancing out work, family, kids, that new task that you took on, we sometimes adapt to the environment and forget to connect to ourselves. Focusing on your breath is a way to connect to yourself, connect to how you're feeling, and give yourself a little break from the hustle and bustle. Focusing on your breathing seems counterintuitive, and I invite you to practice it and give it a try. You can do this in your car, making an appointment to breathe and focus on your breath as you listen to music or your audiobook, with you on the train, which is a great time you're not driving you're safe you get to focus on your breath and connecting with yourself. 

2. Take time to stretch.

In our busy lives, a body adapts to the environment, and we do a lot of sitting, standing, and then some more sitting. One way to increase your energy flow and connect to your body is to schedule stretching breaks. You can put a timer on your phone to remind you to do some stretching. The stretching is simple. You get up, put your hands above your head, move side to side, take a couple of deep breathes with some stretches, and notice what you're feeling. 

3. Find something that helps you zone

Creative researcher (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Notes that people who spend time in activities that make them lose track of time increase creativity and increase a sense of timelessness. Zoning could be an enjoyable exercise that you genuinely enjoy—like most, doing exercise sometimes feel like a chore. It is something to do for your body. But truly finding something that you want helps you think that it's enjoyment versus exercise. I love jumping on my Bellicon trampoline. These are small trampolines you can put in your office, at your home; they are made in Germany and super fun. It can be listening to some fantastic music and closing your eyes while you're on the subway. I could be carving out 10 minutes to sketch or do some random art stuff during lunchtime. It doesn't have to be anything; you can play. 

4. Delegate some tasks

Sometimes as extraordinary women, we tend to put a lot on our plate and think we have to do it all. Take stock of the things that are a priority that you need to do and some things that your spouse might be bold you or the kids maybe will do that gives you that free time to nourish something that you want to do. Letting go of tasks can be challenging. It is an opportunity for your spouse and your kids to give back and participate in their family and feel like they have a purpose in contributing.

5. Feed your passion

Once a month, permit yourself to try something new. It could also be to take that fun weekend vacation with the spouse and kids, or that fun is golfing this weekend that you wanted to take. The more you allow yourself to connect with the things that help you feel alive, the more balanced your life will feel. 



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