Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

Why Can’t I Say No: How Your Fear Stories Keep You Stuck.

When you’re scared to say no, because you don’t want to let others down, but know you need to say no. You’re scared you’d not be liked or you’d disappoint your parents, spouse, kids, or boss. Underneath not saying no is many fears that keep you from taking care of yourself and expressing your needs with others.

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Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

3 Things to Remember When Saying No.

Saying no is hard when you’re used to caring what others think and people-pleasing. But you’re tired and drained. You have nothing left for yourself and want to be real with people.

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Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

Two Strategies to Help With Anxiety and Perfectionism: Anxiety/Perfectionism hurt your relationship with yourself and others

Anxiety can sometimes bring out our perfectionistic tendencies. We get stuck in doing something in a particular way and feel defeated when we cannot complete the task the way we thought it needed to get done. This is exhausting. Learn two ways to help deal with perfectionism and give yourself some time to breathe.

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Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

One Step at a Time: Embrace All of Who You Are!

When you’re tired and exhausted from over-giving to others and feeling drained making small little steps to respect your energy levels and time helps you feel calmer and less fragmented.

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Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

Bust Shame, Embrace Yourself!

Shame and anxiety can be fueling our behaviors. Learn how to recognize the shame pattern, talk about it, and notice more freedom and less anxiety.

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Tanya Kavicky-Mels Tanya Kavicky-Mels

Not Knowing Your Values Keeps You Anxious!

Anxiety cause us to worry about so many things. We tend to feel that we never add up no matter what we accomplish on the outside. Knowing your values and boundaries and significantly decrease your anxiety.

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